Homeless Youth and Family Support

211 Maine is a free, confidential information and referral service that connects people of all ages across Maine to local services. Dial 211 if you or someone you know needs help with: 

Do you know of a student who is currently or is at risk of becoming homeless? Let us know by completing this form. For assistance, please call (207) 873-4281.

If you are a school staff member and suspect a student is homeless or is at risk of becoming homeless, don't hesitate! See a building administrator or school counselor immediately to fill out this form.

What is the McKinney-Vento Act?

Waterville Public Schools and the Maine Department of Education follow the provisions of the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, which aims to minimize the educational disruptions experienced by students experiencing housing instability. Students in temporary housing situations are guaranteed the right to a free, appropriate, public education. McKinney-Vento protections apply to all public school students, pre-K through grade 12 who “lack a fixed, regular and adequate night time residence”, including children and youth:

For More Information, Contact:

Peter Hallen, Homeless Liaison

